This is prove that I procrastinate a lot.
And in just two days I'll be starting my very first mid-term exam in Torquay.
Psh... the perks of being an IGCSE student.
And in just two days I'll be starting my very first mid-term exam in Torquay.
Psh... the perks of being an IGCSE student.
I've been hearing this song a lot as of recently. Well actually I just discovered it this morning, it's Malaysian though. Albeit the fact that it is in Malay I just couldn't help it but to have this image of the typical Jakarta traffic at night, the blazing sun that made the water sparkly for the Bunderan HI fountain, the classiness of Museum Fatahillah, and my typical practising routine in Senayan with the rest of my DKI Fencing comrades... good times, good times...
Instead of revising for Business or Math or even Science, I did some little Indonesian films marathon in Youtube. I discovered some amazingly undervalued Indonesian movies, they are including "Di Timur Matahari (To The East of The Sun)," "Tanah Surga... Katanya (Land of Paradise... They Said)," and... well it's just those two really. Heh.
To sum it up, all I did today was just doing the infamous art of procrastination.