I had my very first mid-term test in England and it was... unexpected.
Starting from the question papers in here, mostly--no, all of them, are essays. It made things became harder when my teacher said "use bullet points, okay, but don't expect me to give you the perfect score for that question." Hurrrrr....
In Indonesia, in every school I encountered multiple choices seemed to be in every tiny bit of the country. When I think about it again, that could actually increase chances of student cheating. But in an essay, who'd bother to cheat when you're writing very very long answer?
As the IGCSEs finished the tests, the next day all of us got appointments with out tutors respectively. I thought I was about to party with A's.... it turned out I was partying with B's instead. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Then when my parents called, they started blaming on fencing. Oh bugger...
Hmph. The perks of being an international student/fencer.
Time flew by fast and now it's nearly in the middle of November, by December I will be back to Indonesia for 2 weeks. My lovely hostfamily is also arranging some sort of a Christmas shopping session for the students in their house and we're going to eat dinner outside together. Here I am thinking would it be like when you go shopping for Eid or something? Heheh.