One of my teachers told my friends and I to make our own New Year's resolutions, since I am not the kind of a person who would actually 'stick' to some resolutions, I found this to be pretty interesting.
Sometimes you study many things without even realizing it and it may comes in many forms. You could observe your surroundings and make a simple conclusion or maybe analysis, and just by that I think you've learnt something valuable too. Since learning doesn't have its limit, I just want to explore even more about the world now.
And then I hated fencing.
But I think fencing could also be about:
My teacher came up with these kinds of New Year's resolution for us:
1. For family
2. For school
3. Free, anything
And so I came up with:
1. Interact more with my family, especially my sisters
I constantly found a way to annoy one of my younger sisters and ended up having a war with her and I just felt that our relationship is somehow not so sisterly-like sometimes (Try to put us in a quiet and empty room, it would really be awkward for the both of us). With me being so distant with my own family since I'm getting myself really into the magical world of internet, I just have the feeling to be more responsible now since I'm the oldest in the family and all.
2. Getting out of the world of pure procrastination Be more organized by sticking to my agenda.
When it comes to having an agenda book, I would just left it and having it untouched since it felt so weird for me to actually write several plans about what I'm going to do. But I think since this one is related with school, I may just make my very own agenda for working on with my projects (I procrastinate A LOT to like an infinite degree every time I worked on a project). Then when I realized the dead line is in several hours, I would go violent in my working desk.
3. Be more motivated, especially in studying and fencing.
I haven't told you guys about the outcomes of my very first fencing competition.
Pathetic-me decided to keep it unknown for several reasons.
I lost.
I only got 5 points out of 15 since I'm against 3 people here and each bout is consisting of 5 points.
I wept okay.
Then I wept again.
The funny thing is that I got 2 yellow cards in my very first competition.
And I hate the ref.
But I think fencing could also be about:
-Nibras Sakkir
If you're a fencer, go to and you will find yourself nod in agreement with every post you came across.
If you're a fencer, go to and you will find yourself nod in agreement with every post you came across.
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