My reaction towards it:
So I got accepted in a school in the UK, in Devon to be exact, a county in the Southwest of England. It is one of the many programs held by EF (Education First), perhaps some of you may heard about this "EF" company who specializes in language training and other educational programs for children, teenagers, and adults, especially when it comes to facing international environments and providing us chances to be able to experience life in other countries.
Any guess?
In Devon
Started with "T"
English Riviera
Ok. Enough. It's Torbay.
Torbay is actually the borough, the city I will go to is Torquay.
To make it easy for me to emphasis the difference between "Torquay" and "Torbay" is:
Torquay + bay = Torbay #slapped
Okay, back to the main topic now. In Indonesia, EF has a pretty great reputation being a company who is famous for its great English course and home stay program (my visit to Oxford last year was also managed by EF). My mama was invited in one of their many seminars, she suddenly spotted an EF International Academy stall and decided to take a look. That's the beginning of how I started to be keened on EF International Academy.
At first I was going to apply for Oxford, but then the admission people said that the age requirement for Oxford is rather high (If I'm not mistaken, the Oxford campus would only accept students age 16+ and I guess they don't have any program for International GCSE) and the only possible campus I can attend to in the UK is the one in Torbay, in Devon.
EF actually has three campuses, two in the UK (Oxford & Torbay) and another one is in New York, but I heard that they are going to open another campus in Vancouver, so I think that makes two campuses in North America.
I'm going to attend International GCSE program, I think it's some kind of a preparatory program before I attend the 'actual' high school (I don't know though, this is just based on my own interpretation about IGCSE since the program itself is very different from a regular Indonesian school program). Then after I finished my IGCSE program, I'm going to chose between two programs, which are IB (abbreviation for "International Baccalaureate") and A-level.
I'm aiming for A-level though, (again this is based on my very own interpretation) A-level is a program for schools in the UK that is only focusing on what you're aiming for college (as in 'what major you are going to take'). So the subjects you're going to take tend to be just a little than what you used to take (I heard that you could even just get about 4 subjects) but then you have to 'decrease' it as you reached another grade, then when you reach your final year you're going to face some dilemmatic problem for choosing between two subjects that you're going to take in college.
But in the UK, I think they said something about 9th grade being equivalent to 10th grade.
Well... I guess I'll be taking that as 'accelerating' then.
I'll be leaving for the UK this year in early September. That's another thing about the schools in the UK and Indonesia. Here in Indonesia, we started another new academic year in July, while the UK is somewhere in the early September. Yes. We Indonesians get a rather...... little ration for the holidays. Apparently our government still believes "the more you come to school and have less holidays, the more you will get good marks on your report." Instead of "understanding the process is the fundamental principle, off with the grades. Who cares? It's not all about academics anyway."
I'm planning to take A-level program.
And I'm aiming for biology for my major in college.
I hate math though.
But then again, anthropology seems to be an interesting subject.
Oh the dilemma.
Nibras Sakkir
Note: And if some of you--who are also going to attend EF International Academy in Torbay--are reading this. I would say "Hello (this is a bit awkward somehow)" Hopefully we could meet and possibly become classmates in our school. Cheers :)
Pictures and gif don't belong to me.