Monday, 21 January 2013

17 År, and a Swede With an Italian Descent

I've been listening to this particular song by a Swedish singer named "Veronica Maggio."

Det var 17 år
17 år i staden där jag växte upp och så
märker du hur fort det går?
och jag var 17 år ville inte va den
som blev kvar
Now I was thinking, maybe I could share a bit about 'my music' to you, by posting one of my favourite songs and just about what I've been really into lately. 

You see, I'm interested in anything that relates to multiculturalism and... I don't know, being different? Maybe because Swedish songs aren't quiet popular too here in Indonesia. I felt it's just something that's worth to be listened too.

I got affected by Hetalia too (if you don't know what Hetalia is, then go ask Uncle Google #slapped).

*It's sad that blogspot isn't like tumblr at all. So I can't put the song here.

Luckily, there's still youtube. 

The picture and video aren't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owner.


Nibras Sakkir 

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