Friday, 1 February 2013

More about EF International Academy

These are just several videos I got in youtube for EF International Academy. I'm so glad that there are actually many students from Indonesia who are also helping to support the Indonesian students to come and experience life in every EF International Academy campuses, everywhere, whether it'd be New York, Oxford, or Torbay.

These are the official videos made by EF. To be honest, at first I was very very doubtful about my decision to study abroad, but when I watched these videos, there was this spark inside of my saying "what are you waiting for? This is a really good chance. Get out! Go get a taste of the world." 

These ones, if I'm not mistaken, were made by one of the many Indonesian students who are currently studying in New York and Torbay. 

This is a video they made in the New York campus, Tarrytown. I saw the girl at the beginning in one of the EF International Academy seminars. She was pretty nice and I think she really do have fun studying in New York.

Well congratulations, you made me even more excited now xD

I love that part where one of the students said "Come to EF! Come to EF!"

Another one was made by the Indonesian students in the Torbay campus, the admission people showed me this video once. From the video, I assume that Torbay itself is quiet a good city when it comes to studying there.

 Unlike London, which is the capital of the UK, it tend to be a bit noisy I guess (no really, I have this... particular issue when it comes to capital cities) and maybe the possibilities of me getting lost in the big city and traveling constantly instead of studying... would be big. I guess. Ahahaha...

If some of you wanted to know more about EF International Academy, this is the official website for EF International Academy:

That's it for now, I hope by reading this post some of you would like to join EF International Academy too. Get to experience live in another country and live in an international environment really makes you feel proud of your own country and heritage (personally, I will be really missing the Indonesian traditional cuisines, because this is 'not the Netherlands', I mean this is the UK. So... yeah.).

Especially since we are going to be in another country, we will get to experience how life is, when it's just 'us.' As in everything in our life is being managed by us, no parents, no family, just us. 

Then you're also going to take responsibility to be one of the many representatives of your country, because people would automatically judge your country by your own behaviours there.

Everyone will be different in their very own ways. I guarantee you will want more, more, and even more of it.


-Nibras Sakkir

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