Friday, 1 March 2013

How Animation Affected Me

Ever felt wanting to visit a particular destination because of some animation works?

I was merely addicted with Disney Pixar's Brave, and so I fell in love with Scotland immediately.

It all started when I was randomly surfing through tumblr and encountered a page explaining about Disney Pixar's upcoming movie several months ago. When I did some research about it, I finally found out that the movie will be set on Medieval Scotland. The main character in the movie is a girl with an insanely curly red hair called Merida. 

What's interesting about the protagonist is that SHE is playing as the main hero in the movie, replacing the oh-so famous prince charming in several fairytales. 
In summary, Merida is really bold and tomboy and always wanted to be free of her mother's control, a queen in her clan (Clan Dunbroch) and at the same time also being a diplomat for the Clan Dunbroch named Eleanor. Her father, Fergus, is the source of Merida's wittiness and quirkiness. He's the one who taught Merida to use bows and arrows -- which is something that is always being opposed by his wife, thinking that Merida should always be the 'stereotypical' princess.

And nananananana~ #shot okay, that's just about it for the Brave session. The movie is pretty much about relationship between a mother and daughter, and the rest, you have to find out for yourself hohoho...

Anyway, about Scotland, I was thinking aiming Edinburgh University for college.

Concerning my interest in biology, I guess Scotland would be the perfect place. Although I've never been there myself, I heard that the condition there is quiet different from England. Since it is also geographically in the northern Great Britain, so I think the weather would possibly be much colder than in England. 
I've talked about Scotland with several people and many of them mentioned several things about its spectacular landscapes.I like traditional things too, after went to some Highland games event in Jakarta last year, I saw men in kilts everywhere. It was awfully amusing for someone like me who never even saw men dressed in kilts that only reaching their knees along side with their high socks.

But I felt that Indonesia and Scotland could be identical too sometimes.

Yes, kilts and sarongs.


Scotland. Scotland is everywhere.

In summary, Brave has pretty much changed my life now. 


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