Saturday, 13 April 2013

No More Thrusting For Me

Hey you guys, I know it has been quite some times I posted something here. Lately, I've been thinking of taking a 'greater step' in my fencing 'career.'


It was all started because of playing a certain game called 'shadow fencing' with my fencing mates. It was all because of one of my coaches who suggested us playing this sort of game to teach us the 'priority (right of way) rule.' Basically, shadow fencing is just an ordinary game of fencing in which we will have a bout with our opponent.

In a shadow fencing bout you WILL NOT need your blades, but you will use gloves instead to replace our sharp and pointy blades. The next step would be the ref shouting "PRET ALLEZ!" and the first one to slap his/her opponent using the glove may get a score. It is optional if you wanted to use a mask or not. I tried not to use masks with my friend and then we had a bout and slapped each other very hard on the face, it awfully stings.

In short. It is a glove-slap duel game.

This game is very useful to practice the infamous 'priority (right of way) rule' in fencing (which I personally found as a huge problem when having a bout). You have to move and think fast, make some analyses about how your opponent is moving. Be the leader of the bout, don't let yourself to be led by your opponent. Be fast, be aggressive. *ahem*beasabreist*ahem*

Since it's all about slapping your opponent with your glove, there will be no such thing as thrusting right? It wil be all about slashing and 'cutting' your opponent <--- both are sabre's things.

I found myself as a very temperamental and impatient foilist I suppose... and so I've been thinking lately of moving... to sabre.

Ugh. The dilemma that I'm going through... it's just horrible.

In my case, it's a foil

I mean I love my foil very much, It's the very first blade that I could handle since fencing had ever been introduced to me. Another thing is because it was my only companion when I faced my very first bout in an official competition. I broke the very end of my foil's blade a few months ago though <--- (result of too much force in thrusting). So children, don't let you emotions get over you when you're fencing because your blades will face the consequences later on.

I've borrowed a sabre from my coach and so I think I'm going to compare it with my foil for some times, just to make sure if this is the right decision that I want.

Have any of you guys experienced what I'm currently experiencing?

As usual, pictures & gifs (and the tumblr post) don't belong to me.


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